The inspiration for this collection is all about the idea of presence, being in the moment, and how that allows you to notice and appreciate the little things in life.
After reading "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, I felt that the message in this book resonated with me greatly in my own personal journey, and I've channeled the lessons I've learned into this collection. Whenever we become stressed out or overwhelmed in life, we tend to want to move faster, think faster, and act faster, to escape the reality of anxiety and stress we're feeling. Sometimes we do this so often, that we end up existing in this unconsciously dissociated state. Always in our minds, consumed with our racing thoughts. We waste so much energy on these types of negative thoughts, that only serve to feed our negative stories we tell ourselves. But what if there was another approach, one you could practice right now, in this moment and every moment, that allowed you to still be just as productive, just as energized, but without the constant worry and anxiety that you aren't doing enough? This is the gift of presence. True, conscious presence. This is the state of being many religions speak of- "zen" "the peace of God" "enlightenment". Isn't it amazing that what so many of us seek, and so many religions seek to understand, is right within us all along? When we are truly truly present, thought ceases, and we are fully aware of our environment, both internal and external. It is only in this state that we can experience true peace, true joy, that doesn't rely on an external source. When we stop and become present, even for a moment, it is possible to notice the small details, the little glimmers of hope, that were there all along. Presence allows us to come face to face with our true selves, without judgement or negativity. We can truly experience life , and let go of the thoughts that distract us from the only thing that truly exists, the here and now. So often our minds live in the past or future, which is where things like resentment, guilt, anger, hatred, anxiety, and worry come from. But it is only in this very moment, the now, that we can truly take action to change the state of our lives. We so little slow down to notice and appreciate the small things, in fact most of us take them for granted. It is through the small things that the Universe communicates with us. Whether through a sign, a feeling, or intuitive download. My hope is that the pieces in this collection can serve as a reminder to you to pause, become fully aware and present in this moment, and see what little blessings you can notice and take conscious part in.